
mouth lit up

iris murdoch is burnt into my head and is it possible she looks like my mother who gave me her books to read burnt burnt burnt so its grafted into me and hurts. it joins up everywhere in alice in wonderland and the colour green and getting called joan of arc and talking talking talking til you think its never going to be something you can stop.

++ ++wanting to follow in gudrun's coloured stockings in women in love. stealing a little bit of power from under dh lawrence's nose. ha. i bought eleven pairs of stockings and tights today for pennys, all kinds and colours, christian dior for fifty p rescued from flooded shop basements is my kind of + real world where if you treat liberty's like a museum its the best place ever.

clothes are important. +

(i'm that girl who's put up pictures in her studio of knickers and tattooed freaks and stuff so none of this is important)

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